Most people fail in exams not because they did not prepare well for the exams but because they never understood examination secrets. Each exam has its rules and principles governing it. This article presents general secrets which you can apply when writing any exam in any part of the world.
DON’T PANIC- Avoid panicking during an exam. In most cases, the examination atmosphere is tense to avoid students from communicating with one another. This is because the evaluation process might be compromised and will lead to poor evaluation. Despite this atmosphere which most exams usually have, especially public exams, keep your calm. At this moment just be positive and say to yourself I can do it. This will not affect your psychology or your state of mind.
ALWAYS BE 15 MINUTES AHEAD OF TIME- Always be 15minutes ahead of time means that if the examination is supposed to take 60minutes you should program your own time to 45minutes. This will prepare your psychology and permit you to gain more time in the area where any correction will be required on your part. This will as well permit you to control your thinking time over your script.
LISTEN AND READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS- Instructions given during exams are very important. We can say this is the beginning of the exam. If you fail to be attentive at this point, it may blow off your results performance. It is advisable to listen to all instructions given by the examiners or examination supervisors. It’s also important to carefully read the instructions on your question paper and answering sheet. You should be able to identify when you are been asked to use ticks or to use X when answering questions of multi-choice answers. This will give you the right standing during an exam.
COME UP WITH AN ANSWERING PLAN- Coming up with an answering plan is very important when answering essay questions. You need to come up with an introduction, body and the conclusion. You will have to define the content of each part in a coherent and orderly manner. It is advisable for you to use your rough sheet during exams to come up with a plan and to write tentative answers to questions which you are not yet sure of.
GO THROUGH YOUR WORK- It is always necessary to go through your work and make any necessary corrections that are required. The tentative answers that you wrote on your rough sheet should be confirmed or modified at this stage. This is now where you could use the remaining 15minutes to perfect your work. It is always very important for you to go through your script before the stop time. This will help affect your performance positively.
The above examinations secrets should be followed as presented in order to obtain better results for those who made their preparations before exams. Making preparations before exams and identifying the secrets during exams will give you an outstanding score. This can also be helpful in IELYS and TOEFL exams.
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